Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cupcake Project - Box of Chocolates

Sorry for the delay - It's been over a week since I actually made these! But I will tell you, already, that I want to do this one again - in February when all the great Valentines day candies are out! It will be so much better!

This project is: Box of Chocolates! Here is the pic from the book.
This is the first time I've made Chocolate Cupcakes for the project. Gotta tell ya - it's a welcome change from all that vanilla! And this project is also of the "Mini" kind. I love working with Mini cupcakes! They are so fun and have so much potential to be something creative. And they are so cute!
Like I said earlier - I need to do this project again near Valentines day. The candies I had available to me weren't all that fabulous. Not a lot of reds or pinks. Kind of had to go scrounging, and it left a lot of other candies left over. But we were able to bring back the runts left over from "TV Dinner" night. The Pink Hearts were PERFECT!
I covered all of the cupcakes I could (there were several left over) with chocolate fudge frosting (yum!) and each "chocolate" was supposed to look different. Some of them had Hershey's kisses on top, some had peppermint circles, others had flowers made out of Smarties, and some even had actual pieces of chocolate (Snickers/Milky Way/3 Musketeers in bite size) on top. I decorated the chocolates with a thin drizzle of vanilla frosting (you know, how See's Candies does on their chocolates) and voila! I had "chocolates" to go in my box! (Oh, and excuse my scruffy look - I'd just gotten home from my Pilates Class - don't worry! I washed my hands before baking!)
Now... Also because it isn't around Valentines Day, "Chocolate Heart Boxes" were pretty scarce, so I improvised. I took some crinkled up tissue paper and placed that in my Cupcake garage. I placed all the little "Chocolates" in the "box" and put on the lid!

Elissa took the mini's to Family Game night for the cousins all to enjoy. Ant and I would have brought them ourselves but we were on a plane to NorCal! Hope the gang enjoyed this week's creation!!!

Next Project (and it may be a week or two before I actually accomplish it) is rather daunting: Van Gogh's famous painting "Starry Night" in Cupcakes. Yikes!!! But it is the last project in chapter one, and from here on out, I can do them in any order I want! Woot! Wish me luck!!!


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